Peanut Butter Gamer Wiki

PBG and Jeff make voices for the characters, and fight Meta Knight as the ship blows up.

META KNIGHT! - Kirby Super Star | SNES (Part 6)
Upload Date April 21st 2017
Series PB&Jeff

Kirby Super Star



PBG was watching a recent video, and was eating skittles! Jeff dies, making PBG angry. Jeff likes how they are unprofessional. PBG doesn't care about drinking water while filming. They record Hardcore for hours, so they have to eat and drink there. Jeff gives PBG all the power ups!

The ship is being destroyed. A timer appears, and they have to move through the vents. PBG is worried about gaming over. PBG and Jeff continue making voices. They have to run away from a mechanical scorpion, before battling it. They find themselves in a maze puzzle, and have to quickly open all the doors in a short amount of time. It takes several attempts.

They find a secret room with a 1up. The enemies spoil how to beat them. The ship continues to get blown up. Everyone has to evacuate the ship. PBG and Jeff think their voicework is pretty good. They kill a room filled with enemies. PBG dies. PBG talks about an edit in Mario Maker where Todd edited in "Why?"

They are running out of time. Meta Knight is defeated. PBG falls into a hole, killing them! Jeff is not sure what happens when they game over. PBG is scared, and wants Jeff to do it. PBG screws up, and they game over. PBG didn't know that he can double jump!
