Peanut Butter Gamer Wiki

PBG and Jeff complete the ending for the Arms Grand Prix, and unlock new arms.

ARMS Grand Prix Co-Op/Multiplayer Gameplay - FINALE! | Nintendo Switch (Part 4)
Upload Date June 18th 2017
Series PB&Jeff




Jeff screams the product placement intro. Max Brass is the final opponent. After some long distance fighting, Jeff successfully makes a special, but PBG walks into a special. Both take a lot of damage, and PBG is knocked out. They lose after running out of time.

In the second round, PBG and Jeff try to focus on Helix. Jeff messes up and is knocked out. PBG gets counter-grabbed to lose. Jeff hits Max with a bomb. PBG gets hit by two specials and loses. Jeff takes out Max, but is low on health. He then beats Helix in a close game.

PBG plays with double guardian! A bomb hits both Max and Helix, giving a hige advantage to PBG and Jeff. They win easily. PBG and Jeff doubt that was the final boss.

PBG wins the championship - and not Jeff. Jeff realizes that he was correct, and there is another fight. PBG wants to get Arms. They discover a mini game where PBG has to shoot targets to get the arms. PBG wins four arms. Jeff plays the same game.

PBG and Jeff equip their new items, and play against each other to see how they work.
